Learner Agreement
This document constitutes an agreement between Qualsafe Awards (QA), which is the Awarding Organisation of Emergency Action Training, and a Learner undertaking QA qualifications. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that the Learner is fully aware of their responsibilities when undertaking our regulated qualifications and that these are met.
Learner Responsibilities when undertaking any QA regulated qualification, QA & Emergency Action Training except that you the Learner will:
1. Provide all information necessary to complete the pre-course registration process (where applicable)
2. Provide all necessary evidence to confirm you meet the qualification entry requirements (where applicable and as detailed in the qualification specification)
3. Declare any injuries, illnesses or conditions (e.g. dyslexia) that you may have to the Centre prior to course commencement (for the purposes of Reasonable Adjustments* being made for training and assessment purposes)
4. Ensure you attend all arranged training sessions and/or assessments on time
5. Behave in a professional and courteous manner at all times towards Centre staff, Trainers/Assessors and other Learners
6. Prepare for and take part in any training activities and Learner assessments as instructed by the Trainer/Assessor delivering your course
7. Complete all registration and assessment paperwork as required in a clear and legible fashion
8. Provide all required documentation to enable any Trainer/Assessor to confirm your identity for the purposes of registration and/or assessment
9. Maintain the integrity and security of the Learner assessment process
10. Submit all required assessment documentation within the given timescales
11. Refrain from any activities which constitute Learner malpractice (e.g. plagiarism, cheating or collusion) and complete coursework, workbooks and assessments of your own accord using the knowledge and skills you have obtained through your training and learning activities
12. Declare any temporary injuries, illnesses, conditions or circumstances that you may have on the day of training and/or assessment (for the purposes of Special Consideration* being given)
13. Attend any practical work placement+ arranged by your Centre and complete all work required in line with the requirements of the qualification specification
14. Cooperate fully with the Centre and/or QA throughout the course of any compliance or malpractice investigation (as and when required) and cooperate fully with the outcome of the investigation, including (but not limited to) revocation of any certificate(s) issued.
* The QA Access to Assessment Policy freely available on the Downloads section of the QA website provides further details.
+For qualifications where a practical work placement forms part of the qualification requirements.
Learner Malpractice
Learners undertaking QA qualifications should be aware that any reported or suspected Learner malpractice will be investigated by QA and, through the course of any investigation or in cases where malpractice is confirmed, Learner sanctions may be applied, which may result in a temporary or permanent ban from partaking in any future QA qualifications. Please see the QA Sanctions Policy and Malpractice and Maladministration Policy which are freely available on the Downloads section of the QA website for more details.
In signing the Learner Register for a QA qualification and/or undertaking any QA Qualification, I agree to meet with all Learner Responsibilities listed in this document. I also acknowledge and understand that QA has the right to apply Learner sanctions through the course of any investigation into Learner malpractice or in cases where Learner malpractice has been confirmed.