Emergency Action Training are very proud to be able to offer all our non-practical courses remotely. The vast majority of our courses are formal qualifications offered via our Awarding Organisation Qualsafe Awards (QA)
As a Learner undertaking a remote learning qualification with Emergency Action Training you will be required to take a Qualsafe at Home e-Assessment, this document has been designed to ensure you:
– Are fully aware of the steps involved in the e-Assessment process
– Have all necessary equipment and information to allow you to complete the assessment
– Maintain the security and integrity of the assessment process
Prior to undertaking any arranged e-Assessment, you must ensure you have:
– a quiet room
– a computer or laptop
– a Webcam (if the computer/laptop being used does not have one built in)
– a microphone (if the computer/laptop being used does not have one built in)
– a Smartphone or Tablet with video and microphone enabled which can be positioned so that the Trainer can view your screen as you’re undertaking the assessment
– access to/downloaded (where appropriate) the Zoom conferencing facility on both devices
– an appropriate form of photographic identification (National ID Card, Driver’s Licence or Passport)
– a stable and continuous internet connection
– an appropriate web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, MS Edge, Firefox, etc.)
You must also ensure that you will be in a suitable environment to undertake your assessment that:
– minimises the possibility of any potential interruptions or distractions
– is free of any reference books or materials relevant to your assessment
– has a webcam positioned to allow you to be visible through the video conferencing facility used for invigilation purposes
– can accommodate the appropriate positioning of the second device (smartphone or tablet) to allow your screen to be visible throughout the assessment
– has appropriate heating, lighting, etc
When you have registered for a QA qualification involving e-Assessment, Emergency Action Training will schedule your online assessment with Qualsafe at Home. You will receive an e-mail containing the username and temporary password for your Qualsafe at Home e-Assessment account. You should access your e-Assessment account before the day of your assessment. When accessing your account for the first time, you will need to:
– Change your password (to one of your own choosing)
– Complete the Demo Assessment
– Read and understand the Qualsafe at Home Learner Guide to e-Assessment
Use the Demo Assessment available on your Qualsafe at Home e-Assessment account to familiarise yourself with the assessment system and format of the assessment you will be taking. Prior to taking any e-Assessment you should ensure to have read and understood the Learner Guide to e-Assessment. If you have any issues accessing your Qualsafe at Home e-Assessment account, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible to avoid the instance of you being unable to take your assessment as planned.
Before you start the live assessment, you must ensure that you have:
– joined the video conference meeting arranged by Emergency Action Training for the assessment on both devices (computer and smartphone/tablet)
– sufficiently charged the devices being used for the assessment
– no connectivity or system issues with the computer you intend to use to complete the assessment
– used the smartphone/tablet to provide a 360° sweep of your environment and then position it to clearly showing your screen
– read and understood the Learner Guide to e-Assessment
– checked that your Trainer can see you clearly on screen through the video conferencing system and that your microphone is not muted
– presented your valid form of photographic identification clearly using your webcam (for authentication purposes)
Please note that your scheduled assessment will not be available on your Qualsafe at Home e-Assessment account until the day of your assessment. When the invigilator is ready for you to start your assessment, they will make this available to you.
During the live assessment, you must ensure that you:
– read and understand the Learner Agreement
– remain focused on the assessment at all times until completion
– raise your hand if you have any issues and require assistance from your invigilator
– listen to and carry out any instructions given by your Invigilator, particularly should any unexpected interruptions occur
– keep your microphone switched on at all times
– adhere to the rules set out in the Learner Guide to e-Assessment
When you have finished the assessment:
– Submit your assessment and remain quiet until all other delegates have finished
– Await your result
Please note that you will have only one attempt at taking the assessment and, should you run out of time, your attempt will be automatically submitted by the system. When you have completed your assessment, you should logout of your Qualsafe at Home e-Assessment account.
Please note that all outcomes of online assessments are subject to successful moderation. Where malpractice is suspected or otherwise, you may be required to retake the assessment or may even be removed from the course.
Learners Guide to e-Assessment
Before the assessment begins
Follow all instructions given by the Trainer
Hold your photographic identification (national ID card, driver’s licence or passport) up to the camera
Make sure you are ready to complete the assessment on a PC or laptop
Use your smartphone/tablet to do a 360° scan of the room
Position your smartphone/tablet behind you so your screen is clearly visible
Ensure you are in a quiet room on your own
Make sure your video/audio is working correctly
Make sure all other devices not being used are turned off/on silent to avoid disruption
Recommendation – disconnect all other devices not being used from your
WiFi to avoid connectivity issues
During the assessment
Keep your microphone switched on at all times
Raise your hand if you need assistance (for example, have a technical problem)
Click on the circle next to the answer you think is correct for each question
If you want to change your answer, click on the alternative circle instead
Use the “Next page” and “Previous page” to scroll through the questions
Use the “Flag question” function if you want to highlight a question to return to later
Press “Finish attempt” and then “Submit all and finish” when you have completed the assessment
Cheat in any way
Look away from the screen
Use the computer for any other purpose during the assessment
Attempt to navigate away from the assessment
Leave the room (unless absolutely necessary)
Use any other unapproved device during the assessment, e.g. smart watch
Have reference material or any other learning aids in the assessment room
Communicate with anyone (other than the Trainer) during the assessment
Seek clarification on any of the questions. The Trainer is not allowed to help you
Compromise the security of the assessment in any way
Breaking any of these rules may invalidate your assessment!